Discover the whimsical world of Fumofumo-san, a beloved character series first introduced in 2002! Kappa, one of these mysterious creatures, is an adorable plush creature that’s captured hearts worldwide with its unique charm and irresistible softness.
- Origin: Fumofumo-san is an unidentified creature said to live on spiders, inspiring imaginative tales and whimsical designs.
Character Details:
Kappa was found in a spider, which is believed to be a member of the kappa family, in the skies over Japan.
It has a plate on its head, a beak and a shell. Kappas seem to appear near water on hot and humid days when the air is humid.
It is said that they are only active when their head dish is moist.
However, the exact details are not well known.
Whether perched on your bed or nestled in your arms, this plush kappa brings joy, warmth, and a touch of Japanese charm to any day. A must-have for collectors and comfort-seekers alike! This charming stuffed toy is as soft as it is endearing, perfect for kids and adults alike.
- Material: Crafted from premium plush fabric for ultimate softness and comfort
- Size: Compact yet huggable size, ideal for carrying, snuggling, or displaying
- Origin: Designed with love and care, inspired by Japan's whimsical character designs
- Perfect Gift: A delightful gift for plush collectors, chicken enthusiasts, or anyone needing a soft friend
- Size: 20cm
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